Soil Testing Equipment
Soil testing equipment is designed to test mechanical characteristics of the soil on your construction site, for maximum quality and safety of your project.

- Consolidometer This automatic consolidometer use special pneumatic pressure controller, with low noise, each unit sample consolidation pressure can be controlled and tested separately, testing result can be transferred via software system easily to computer.

- Shear Test Apparatus This ZJ quadruple Strain Controlled Direct Shear Apparatus(infinitively variable speeds)is a kind of strain controlled direct shear apparatus used to test resisting shear strength of soil specimen, it usually adopts four specimens under the different vertical...

- Triaxial Apparatus TSZ Full Automatic triaxial test Apparatus adopts modern latest scientific technology, that combines machinery,electron technology,automatically controlled technology,transducer automatic detection technology and computer into one body.

- CBR Loading Press CBR Test Apparatus is suitable for test of soils and mix materials (the grain size of the soil is less than 40mm) compacted with CBR mold so as to confirm the bearing loading ability of pavement, roadbed, subcrust as well as material layer of the roadbed to be...

- Proctor CBR Compactor The compactor is suitable for the foundation engineering construction such as water conservancy dam, traffic, railway, airport and buildings etc..

- Sample Ejector TBTTM-300C multifunctional hydraulic sample extruder is suitable for ejection of geotechnical compaction specimens, Marshall compaction specimens, and unconfined compression specimens.

- Sieve Shaker GSZ-1 High-frequency Sieve Shaker is mainly used for graded analysis of non-cohesive and dry grain substance.

- Triple Beam Balance Max. Capacity: 2610 g
Readability: 0.1g
Front Beam: 10g×0.1g

- Riffle Box Riffle box slot width available 7, 13, 19, 25, 38, 50, 64, 75, 100mm

- Soil pH-Meter The soil pH is an important factor to limits the crops production and the quality. This instrument is simple and convenient, it can directly insert the soil.

- Speedy Moisture Tester The Soil Moisture Tester is used to determine the moisture content of the soil, sand, cement as well as other porosity substance.

- Shear Vane Devices This cross-plate vane shear is an instrument used to determine the natural shear strength of saturated soft clay in the field. For sensitive soft clay, the perturbation of sampling is very obvious. Use this apparatus can obtain actual strength.

- Penetrometer Devices SYS Liquid & Plastic Limit Tester is used to determine moisture content of upper limit (liquid limit) and lower limit (plastic limit) of clay soil, provide parameters for soil partition and consistency calculation etc.

- Field Density Tester The soil density gauge is used to measure the physical properties of subgrade and foundation compacted soil. It is a battery-powered portable instrument that can be used anywhere in the world without problems related to nuclear safety.

- Static Cone Penetrometer This CLD-3 mainly used to test geological structure of civil engineering, bridges and other projects in site, with corresponding sensors, measure physical quantities such as pressure, tension, torque, and gravity.

- Falling Head Permeameter The Permeameter is used to determine permeability coefficient of clay soil under the changeable water pressure during the testing.

- Liquid Limit Device, TBTDS-1 The liquid limit device is used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a liquid state, therefore to classify the soil, providing useful reference for designing and construction.